
Saturday, December 3, 2011

bapak bijak anak cerdik

cilok from   jay 

Ujang merupakan seorang abah yang bijak dan penyayang...., suatu hari anaknya bernama Asey bertanyakan dia mengenai SEKS..

Asey : abah, betul ke make love tu best?

Abah : haah, samalah best macam kamu korek hidung kamu!

Asey : tapi betul ke org pompuan lagi rasa best?

Abah : kalo kamu korek hidung, hidung kamu ke jari kamu yang rasa best?

Asey : tapi kenapa org pompuan tak suka diperkosa?

Abah : kalo kamu jalan2, tetiba ada org nak korek hidung kamu...

kamu suka tak?!

Asey : betul ke tak boleh buat tu masa datang bulan?

Abah : kalo hidung kamu berdarah, kamu nak korek jugak ke?!

Asey : kenapa org lelaki tak suka buat tu pakai kondom?

Abah : kamu suka tak korek hidung masa pakai sarung tangan?!

Asey : waaahhh... abah ni pandailah!

Abah : opkos... :)

Moral Of The Story

- Jawap la secara bijak dengan anak2 anda..
- Bertegur la sesama blogger dengan bijak.., jangan reti kritik jer..('',)
- Beromen memang best...tapi kasi halal dulu ok..

besides , for those yang sedang menjadi bapa becareful and beware of kinda s.e.x smart dont confuse your child with their gender (sex) :P

Monday, November 28, 2011


well a very nice date for a memorable day..
accidently i ve been invite to be a photographer.
its a engagement ceremony for my cousin yan n his beloved fiance din.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

suasana gambaran hati.

setengah tahun...
pengalaman yang sunguh bermakna buatku..
tidak pernah hati ini merasakan gembira sebelumnya...
sejenak termenung senyuman terukir.
pastikan rasa sayang ini terus mekar..
aku cinta kamu!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


i love to edit pic n loveAzizi..
 forget bout i wanna show the result..

tadaa.. btw sape yg ske cilok pasni leya nkletak cop snd,bhd..hhahahahah soweiii..and your welcome.

k.nad~~pic ni aku cilok je then aku edit..hehehe cilok kt ..

ni time kitorg g pd..sem1

jenjalan..sume pic jenjalan ade kt  fb aku..

adik syg...
my beloved family
time dak2 ni g training futsal..ngeee


chosen suit..huhuh
19th January ..a lot o f thing happened in january..n it almost ends..
hope u ll never forget me..
uitt how could this be?..we ve got same i miss u too..

19th JANUARY-21st JANUARY 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

mrs.Azizi: is that possible?

mrs.Azizi: is that possible?: "is that possible 4 me to keep wearing hijab? am i ready 4 it?"

is that possible?

is that possible 4 me to keep wearing  hijab?
am i ready 4 it?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

cuba untuk mengerti,.

walaupun aku si pnyokong yg menjadi tulang rusukmu..
tapi aku tetap yang lemah kerana tanpa kamu tiadalah tulung rusuk itu..

setiap apa kata ku..aku akan tetap menjaga tata ku agar kau bahagia...
walauoun kebahagian itu hanyalah untukmu,,aku akan tetap merasakannya tapi kamu tidak tahu..
aku merasakanya agar engkau terus bahagia..

setelah apa yang ku cuba sampaikan..mengertilah kamu , aku amat memerlukan mu..
setiap kata ku tak terbatas ,jadi maafkanlah aku dan tanyalah padaku isi hati ku..kerana ku akan melakukan apa sahaja agar senyuman terus terukir di bibir mu..

coretan ini bukan untuk aku sesali,tetapi aku tidak tahu bagaimana untuk meluahkan isi hati ku agar kamu tak terluka dek kata-kata ku..
aku teramatlah menyayangimu..

di saat in aku amat memerlukan mu,,sebagai mana kamu tahu , aku amatlah lemah ,tidak bermaya lagi,,
di satu sudut aku bersujud kepadanya agar hubungan kita kekal dan di perrmudahkan segala kesulitan yang telah kita tempuhi..

aku amat memerlukanmu untuk meneruskan perjalanan ini agar tidak jatuh sekali lagi..
di sudut ini juga aku berharap kamu sentiasa di sisiku selepas Tuhan ku..

Friday, March 18, 2011

revenge !

a whole life without true love..when once it come to u.,,u ll realized how wonderful is world..
but suddenly u didnt realize 1  thing..
the thing when u in trouble u ll call him,
when u in difficult u call him,
when u stuck u ll call him..

but when u happy
when u satisfied
when u comfort
when u reach sumthin u wanted u ll forgot of  him..

he ll give u sumthin that make u realize to dont forget him..coz he always with u..

Ya Allah, forgive my sins,  give me pleasure while I live in this world.,
I'm just weak and despised people, not having any.
I was too weak to face the trials and challenges of yours.

help me..only you I prostrate and asking..amin..

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

profile pic..

love u damn much...

we had reach our chemistry..

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


teringin nk cupcakes yg cantik...jelez gile ngan KAY dapat cupcakes tu.. :(

Saturday, February 12, 2011


feelin edge..

everything be my reminiscing,

i do update a lot of status on fb such a dumd..

the more person appear when im feelin alone is uncertain person.
3 hours ago 

why we wont appreciate the uncertain person like we did to sum1 we love whereas they always be by ourside too..
3 hours ago 

when sum1 care of our sorrow why we still keep it inside, is that because of we should hide it or because they r not moderate?
3 hours ago 

sum peep are easy to understand , am i among the others who hard to be understand?
3 hours ago

simple ! make it secret.. ihikk ^_^
2 hours ago 

2 hours ago

well rest in bathtub... *depression*
about an hour ago

nails art time.
51 minutes ago

why this shit  happened to me...

tired of being dolls.

Friday, February 11, 2011

candies life

even this pic x brape santek coz xmampu nk own DSLR but the moment most  valuable then  thousand RM..
missing some1 like stab our own heart..too pain from dawn to twilight. when u asleep u ll feel well then..
huh...another 2 days...^_^

Thursday, January 27, 2011

....two new words.....


both are to my beloved n beenemy..


1 heart snooty

1 head skittish..

huhuh...this kind of peep cant stay longer.

tht word remind me to my new lesson today

he said, ::   "jangan terlalu kesian kan org"

its was sound like that..

huhu now i know how peep work out..

hmm..betul3 ..

y im so pitiful ? heheh bak kate Caruso

""jgn puji lebih2 malu..""

(done u make me puke)

im the craziest gal in front world but trying to be good girl in front of u..

i do be myself..

hey ya dont be skitty

hey gal dont be snooty..

leya a nice girl dont act snoot-snoot leya dont like,,hehhe

wonderful cinta

meet u again,,,even again n again i ll wrote again n again n never again'ts u...
after a missing moment we had been through , finally i meet u so much,..
every day every *hari2 indah*
its happened after i fall 4 u...

1 whole day i been with glad be by yr word can describe my appreciate towards u B,..
the thing is i really thanks to u cuz bright up my world..
everything possible between us , u neva say no to me,,lol (*mesti boley pnyer*) hehhehe...

ngeeeee  choki2 manis

sugus masinnn...

kentucky lickin good


thanksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss alooooooooooooooooooooooot

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


hope the miracle come n save me from this  darkness hole...

im so desperate..


Allah help me..

im juz a tiny soul that hope thou help me,,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

TIKAr....wuahahahhahaahha....ingat TIKA ker huh?

ni dia tiqa & tika nguahahahha sebernarnye TIKAR tp terkene lak ngan due org piring mereng ni..

sepanjang perjalanan ini....ehh salah3..sepanjang pencarian i la kan i da jupe 1 lg topik menarik yg terkene ngan  i jugak,,heheheh...

meh ni rapat2 bace elok2..

ni i korek kt wiki

Tikar adalah sejenis hamparan daripada anyaman daun mengkuang dan lain-lain yang dibentangkan sebagai alas duduk , tidur dan sebagainya. ...

hahaha..tikar kenekan ngan 2 piring tu..haa ann an(sifu tongga)...

tp..sebenarnye bukan i nk cite sal tikar..hehhe nk cite sal function tikar tu..iaitu tidur..

pade sume2 kaki pancing dalam klas LAW misti taw an haa an an...
bkn nk  kutuk kaki2 pancing ni tp juz nk komen la skit..hehhe
xelok memancing ni nt xdapat ilmu..paling tepat skali kne dende bace contract act..bhahahha macam aku , buncit and murni da kne..hekhek...

obviously, memancing tu tidur,,ngeee...

entry mmg merepek tp itu lah die..hehehe hanye kamu kamu kamu n kau je paham...bodah kaki tdur ! x gune!...aku  suh take 5 ko g isap rokok,da la masuk lmbt nt sape masuk lmbt 1 kaum aku humban kt lua  klas...(cakap dlam hati::yeayy leh lepak cafe makan ayam lantai)

ikan ape la diorg ngail sampai terkulai

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

so cute!

i meet a lil kitty at tasek..
ichas her,,then the owner
ichat with the owner bout the kitty while i didnt notice 
his gf wait for him..bhahahha
BAKA leya, dont do the mistake again dont be to excited..
hahah funny but i swear the kitty was very very cute..

Sunday, January 16, 2011

another sickness

why toys cannot accept something in repay...
do toy i ask me are u hurt??
are u mad??
are u sad??
are u ok??

why stupid people like ME ask them???!!!

why dolls heart to smooth n fragile??

im so sorry if i do make u hurt even from all time long i never refuse wht yr wish..

thou stupido..(if u notice why i always laugh, is to cure my fragile heart )

hanging with the toy but,,,
u reach the habitat toys "texting" with other dolls..

juz laugh can be the remedy for it,, 

Friday, January 14, 2011

about thou..

on this page..
im suffer from myself...
why should i ruse everyone around me??
i do for the sake of them..
sorry page,everything i spit on u..
coz i dont want any pity towards me..
poor lil gal lie her body in a live coal..
heat slowly till her death die..
no one care no one pay..
waitin for the angle..
save her life with love..
why she bear to do anythin for person,
why she didnt get any pay?
May Allah bless her..

that its...

blog ni teman leya ,tapi awak cinta leya
bila cinta berbicara , teman akan di tinggalkan sementara
teman ada kerana cinta
cinta ada bila teman cerita

dekat teman leya ada banyak cerita
dekat blog leya ada banyak cerita 
 cerita tentang cinta
cerita tentang awak 

 dont ever feel this way..
it may hurt yr heart,..
i know u will let yr self hurt 4 love,,

my friends said  ::why u so gila::

huhu..yes i do !

kegilaan yg bukan datang saja-saja tapi dari  cinta..

bila cinta datang macam2 pun datang..

leya bukan nak copy ayat org but its a fact..


juz wanna u know 

cinta leya datang sekali ..
sebab leya akan betul2 cinta ..

leya xkan hurt u..

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

CHOSEN colour

leya feelin s0 happy..
b by your side..
 today 12th JAN ..
u came n bring a lot of happiness every sick..
 cure of my heart,..

cant let a piece gone..
seconds of love..
im alone with u..
wht so weird?
evry loving couple feel it..

remember last time?
wonderful pages..
now it turned to blood that flow in my lung..
u know the lovin snow..
they turned lovin feelin..

tears come when i pray to god to keep u with me